Needing a Change…

Hello, friends,

I wondered if I might borrow a second of your time…

Due to everything that’s been going on, I’ve had to place some things waaay on the back burner…I’m updating because I’m facing so many challenges and need some changes. Basically, I’m having trouble finding the time to work as much as I’d like. I’m determined to therefore grow my Beachbody business so that I can REPLACE my income while giving back 50% of all earnings to missions. Sound impossible? With God, all things are possible, so here’s where this is going:

I’m looking to work extensively with two individuals so that they can achieve Emerald coach status by summer. The group is “30 Days to Emerald” and will get you on the path to success in healthy living by helping and encouraging others. If you’re looking to supplement or replace your income (as I am), then we’re just going to do it! 🙂

First two commenters will receive Shakeology and tons of information. I hope that you will consider as I would absolutely love to have you on board as we seek to change so many lives, starting with our own. This business is HIS, so it’s time to trust that He will help us in all things as we seek better lives for ourselves, our families, and for each other.

Best Rewards Shopping Programs…EVER!

Dear All,

I’ve really gotten jazzed about rewards shopping, and so far I’ve found an awesome one to share with you guys, and that is What’s so great about it? Well, for starters, you’ll get $5 just for signing up! Then, you can enjoy amazing discounts on products ranging from groceries to footwear. If THAT doesn’t excite you enough, then you should also be aware that you will receive 5 extra handy buckaroos for every friend that you refer to Your savings will be deposited into your PayPal account (or any payment method that you choose), OR you can even donate to charity! Yep, this program seems to be a proverbial win/win. I’m pretty excited. 😉 You can sign up at the link below!

I’ll have more news and notes for you in the AM. Peace and love~!

–Katie ❤

Working at Home: The Plain Truth

There’s a LOT (I mean a LOT) of hype out there regarding the whole concept of “Working at Home.” We see it. It’s all over social media –people who appear deliriously happy about their business opportunities (typically MLM plans — Multi-Level-Marketing). But when you get down to it, you are STILL running a business. As the parent of a tiny child, let me tell you that it is a LOT of work. YOU have to make it successful. There’s no one standing over you and keeping you accountable. You are your OWN boss. But here’s the thing: Since you ARE a boss, you have to conduct your business as such. Below are two plain truths about working at home that will probably alter your perception if you’re relatively new to the work at home business circuit. For others who know the biz., well, I think it pretty much speaks for itself. :p

1. There are no set hours.

AHA. The perk that we ALL hear time and time again when we salivate with longing for a home-based job or business opportunity. But you have to think about what that means. It means that you can easily let things get out of hand and waste countless hours on the computer, basically making nothing to show for it. How do you compensate? The concept if QUALITY, not quantity. I’m learning this more every day.

I get more response from folks from a simple “like and comment” facebook pic. than I do from hours and hours of planning marketing strategies. I think it’s about maximizing your time, and after a year of solely working from home, I think I’m starting to understand what this means. It means that YOU have to establish boundaries for yourself and for your family. I can’t stress this enough. You HAVE to set these boundaries to safeguard your own sanity. If you don’t, you risk losing precious time with those you love and with yourself. So what do you do? Create your own business hours that are THE most convenient for you. Don’t listen to what other folks say about this. Only you know that’s best for your sanity.

I find that I work best at night. Period. This means that I’m shifting my focus so that my brain is programmed to teach at night after the baby is asleep. No more worrying all day about when and how I’m going to accomplish everything. I know that at night, I’m going to get it done, so I can stop worrying about work during the day and stressing out over how I’m going to balance half in the morning or half at night. If the baby is asleep, I can work. If she’s awake, then NO work — period. These are my personal parameters, and I promise that they’ll work beautifully for you, too. So rest during the times that you are free and completely devote your time to your family.

2. You’ll encounter unlimited earning potential and top training.

Look, I’m not here to bash anyone’s opportunity or upline, but here’s the honest truth: Some of this training seems like simple “busy work.” I know what you say, “But I have to keep accountable.” Yes, but is it doing that much good? How much time do you actually spend watching the training videos for your business? Do they really help your business that much, or is most of it simple marketing techniques that help you to achieve results? I find that talking to people and sharing my lifestyle have been the top ways of reaching out and sharing my opportunity with others.

People like to BUY, and not everyone is an entrepreneur at heart. A good friend of mine told me this, and it’s resonated with me ever since. I find myself getting downright frustrated by getting caught up in the hype of a business opportunity. I’m no professional marketer by ANY means, but I’m learning that staying committed to your business, building solid communications with others, and naturally sharing your products through personal testimony and fun events are the methods that usually prove effective when I’ve closed a sale.

Finally, let me close by affirming that I am NO professional marketer and have so much to learn. HOWEVER, as a business owner and work at home parent, I do want to let folks know of the reality before they jump in and become frustrated with demands of balancing work, family, school, and everything else.

I’d love to chat with you about anything and everything, so always feel that you can reach out.

Peace and love,


Learning from My Mistakes!

I’ve been a PATHETIC excuse for a business owner since losing Emerald Coach status in August, but that’s about to change. I’m going to COMPLETELY dive in and treat this as a real, true-blue business. Reading Mindy Wender’s story makes me even more inspired that I can do Beachbody FULL TIME from home, get out of debt. and help others, most importantly. 

I finally found that opportunity last June. No scam, no gimmicks, and honestly, if you roll up those sleeves and burn some elbow grease, you CAN earn a full time income. That’s my goal since I need a job that allows me the flexibility to be the best mom I can be. I LOVE teaching and writing, but doing it full time is very stressful. If you’re interested, I’d love to work with you, too, and we can make this dream a reality. We can do this together, but I need you to dive in with me

live fearlessly

get healthy

help others

and don’t hold back! 

We got this, and we’re going to rock ’14!

New Post at Pure Health Finds! Please Welcome Our New Guest Blogger, Lila Monroe!

Omigoodness. Sometimes when you ask for help, you get more support than you’d ever dream possible. Lila Monroe, my good friend, volunteered her amazing writing abilities here at Pure Health Finds, and her first post discusses an extremely practical method for approaching an emergency situation (in her case, it was a brown recluse bite). I proudly bring you her first post and ask for your support for this incredible writer and business woman. She has placed her information at the bottom of the post, so please check out her page at Sahana Wellness. I wish blessings to all of you this holiday season, and stay safe!

~Katie Mayo

Crime Scene by Lila Monroe


Time – 3 a.m., in the wee hours a cool, December morning

Setting – Sleepy little subdivision in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana

Victim – Middle-aged male – Sharp laceration to the nape of the neck while sleeping

Perpetrator – Arachnid, the BROWN RECLUSE aka the FIDDLEBACK Spider


It was already a fitful sleep, then…whoosh, and an “Aagh!!!”

“What, baby?” I mumble trying to comprehend why my husband sat straight up like a B-movie zombie then proceeded to let out a bellowing wail while thrashing his pillow around.

‘I just got bit!” he stammered, then ripped the sheets off in a flurry.  Sure enough, I shined the bright light from my cell phone on the back of his neck which revealed the tell-tale mark of a spider bite.  After searching for several minutes we could not find the culprit, or the Calamine lotion.

Despite my plea to get it checked out, he decides it just itches and therefore isn’t serious, so he went back to bed.

Sound funny, even a bit familiar?

This could actually have been a disaster, a potentially lethal disaster.  But before I share what happens next, let me tell you about the brown recluse.

This critter is 15 times more poisonous than the black widow and is recognized for its marking just below his head, which resembles a violin.

It is nocturnal, seeks out warmer abodes in winter, and while generally not aggressive unless provoked, this predator is nevertheless responsible for several attacks on humans while they are sleeping.  More than likely, he does not like to share pillow space!

The brown recluse is found all over the Southeast and in some areas along the Southwest U.S.  If you live in or visit this part of the country, it is very important to learn how to treat a brown recluse bite, and even more important on preventing one in the first place.  Here are steps to protect yourself and your family:

Protect Your Home

  1. Inspect your property for holes or cracks along your foundation, walls, windows and floorboards.  Repair brick, cement or caulk where needed.
  2. Do not spray insecticides.  The brown recluse is resistant to insecticides and exposure to those toxins may cause aggressive behavior.  Simple spider traps are inexpensive and effective.
  3. Clean out under cabinets and along corners of window sills frequently.  Spiders love to hang out along the inside overhang of kitchen and bathroom cabinets.  Wear protective gloves and run along the underside of the cabinet to collect webbing, live spiders, and eggs.  Squish them and flush them down the drain immediately.

Protect Your Family

  1. Spiders love to hide—do not leave clothing on floor.  Shake out all garments and shoes before dressing, especially in the cooler months.
  2. Never reach into a dark, seldom used space without gloves, and ensure bed-sheets do not touch the floor.
  3. Keep an insect bite first aid kit on hand (see below for recommended contents).


  1. Try to locate and trap the spider.
  2. Take one Benadryl according to directions on container/box.
  3. Help strengthen the immune system with 1000 mg Vitamin C, along with a generous portion of aloe vera filet from the leaf or in drinkable form from the pharmacy.  Consuming aloe vera orally provides a number of health benefits and is also helpful in fighting the bacteria, as it is a natural bactericide.
  4. Clean the bite area with soap and water.  I use Dawn dish soap or a non-toxic deep-cleaning insecticide spray like Mitactin.
  5. Generously apply powdered, activated carbon (pure charcoal with no additives) to the entire site.  Place in ziplock bag and roll with rolling pin to achieve consistency of powder.  We used a magic bullet which is fast, but a bit messier.
  6. Cover with wet paper towel and dress with terry towel or torn t-shirt.
  7. Keep this dressing on for one hour, then refresh, being careful not to be too abrasive in removing the old charcoal.
  8. When finished with charcoal treatment, wash the area gently again, then pat dry and apply an antibiotic topical pain reliever like Benadryl anti-itch gel for kids.  DO NOT APPLY HYDROCORTISONE.  You may also prefer to put fresh aloe vera gel from the plant on the wound and take an oral pain reliever such as Aleve gel caps.

Finally, as soon as possible, go to your nearest 24 hour medical clinic for a tetanus shot and doctor review.  The tetanus shot is important because the brown recluse carries the tetanus bacteria making its victims susceptible to tetanus disease which includes painful lockjaw and other calamities.  You may be given an antibiotic shot to fight infection, or steroid shot if swelling does not subside.  However, there is no anti-venom for the brown recluse in the US or Canada.

Therefore, drawing out the venom naturally with the charcoal, helping strengthen the immune system naturally to fight off the venom and bacteria carried by the spider, and treating the skin to mitigate as much damage to the tissue as possible, are the best practices in treating this type of wound.

Spider Bite First Aid Kit

I have seen kits sold complete for $29.99 and up, however, all the materials needed to treat a brown recluse bite are readily available at Walmart or can be purchased individually online.  You may find other uses for these supplies, or that you have some of these materials at home already.  A little research can save a chunk of change!

  1. Gentle Skin Cleanser
  2. Activated Carbon
  3. Topical Pain Reliever
  4. Oral Pain Reliever
  5. Antihistamine
  6. Aloe Vera Gel – Taken topically and orally
  7. Dressing/Bandages

Remember, do NOT apply hydrocortisone or attempt to draw out venom in any other fashion; doing so may result in permanent damage to skin.   Skin graft, hospitalization and even death may occur from advanced stage bites that were not treated immediately and properly.

So, how did our story end?  Well, since we didn’t have anything on hand, the area did swell up something terrible.  Later in the evening he felt a tingling sensation in his hand.  That was it – I put my foot down and called the pharmacist!  After a conversation with Walgreens, the tech referred us to the 24-hour clinic.  With a still adamant husband, we did a late night Walmart run and performed the above treatment twice, leaving the last one on overnight.  We applied the Benadryl gel after the morning shower and covered the area with a bandage.  The venom is drawn out, swelling is reduced, there appears to be no infection, but we are keeping an eye on it!

Take a bite out of crime, naturally – follow me on Facebook at Sahana Wellness to learn how be prepared for spider bites and other timely health topics!

Guest Blogger Profile

Lila Monroe is an entrepreneur and runs a strategic investment and management consulting practice.  She credits her vitality, strength and stamina to healthy living and excellent nutrition.  An avid wellness advocate in her blog, Sahana Wellness, Lila reviews natural remedies, world class spa & wellness products, and provides tips & inspiration for healthy living.

Disclaimer:  This article is not considered medical advice, is solely for entertainment and educational purposes only, and does not replace the advice of a qualified, licensed, medical practitioner.  Nor is the author or blog owner responsible for any damages resulting from actions you may or may not take concerning your body or health before, during, or after reading this material.  That being said, I hope the information you read here will be of help to you and you and your family will benefit from our kitchen counter wisdom.

Fall is Here! Quick Update and Recipe…

Hello, my dear friends! Happy, healthy fall! 😀 I’m back to blogging and teaching, and it feels great. I’m taking it one step at a time and enjoying my hours spent at work. It’s late, baby is safely in her crib, and I have good time to think. Things have been getting better and better diet-wise for me, and I’ve been able to eliminate all meat except seafood for over a week. I love it! I feel MUCH lighter and generally better all over. It’s funny, but I think that all of the antibiotics found in meat were really messing up my hormones! I’m taking it easy with plenty of veggies, fruit, and soy-based foods. Honestly, I don’t even miss it; this new way of eating feels SO much more “me.”

Halloween is upon us, so I made some treats for my snacks for fun! Since I’ve never done a food blog post before and I’m VERY sleepy, I’m keeping it simple with a popular childhood recipe!

Ants on a Log:

This is one of my favorites, especially since it only requires three ingredients!


Gather organic celery, raisins, and coconut peanut butter. Why organic celery? Celery has a very thin, almost non-existent, skin, which soaks up pesticides very easily. Therefore, it is a good idea to buy organic celery, which contains none of these harmful substances.


Wash celery and chop off both tops and ends.


Spread a generous amount of peanut butter on each stalk, and top with your raisin “ants!” This is a great way to get kids in the kitchen! I love that there’s so much protein in this snack, and it helps to satisfy the junk food craving since it is very crunchy! Drizzle a little bit of honey over the finished product if you wish for even more flavor.

I’ll try to have more recipes up tomorrow. I am absolutely BEYOND sleepy and am going to finish sipping my tea and relaxing after a ballet workout. It is such a joy to have your readership, and I appreciate your patience as I resume my blogging! Until next time.

~K. .

I’m back and READY to ROLL!

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged! Goodness, this “new baby” stuff has caused me to stop, take a breath, and let myself enjoy some MUCH needed time off. In addition to taking care of my precious new baby, I’ve also been lased-focused on my Beachbody business as well as working to earn my status as a professional writer with my company. It’s so awesome to be back, and I am so grateful for your readership! In the past few months, I’ve learned a lot about myself–and I am sure of where my life is going even though it was a direction that was completely unexpected! I never in a MILLION years thought that I would be pursuing a career as a writer and fitness coach, but everything that I’ve been through has led me to this, and I am embracing it without question.


Now, for an update on the health end.

I’ve been experimenting with different diets and nutrients, and yesterday, I dove in and decided to embrace a vegetarian lifestyle in order to improve my health and help to control my hormone issues. I’m even eliminating as much dairy as possible. The cravings have been UNBEARABLE, but I’m hanging in there and looking forward to a nice, delicious vegetable sub for lunch. 😉 If anyone wants to “go vegetarian” or “go vegan” with me, I’ll plug you into a facebook fitness challenge, and we’ll do it together!


In other news, I have a TON of exciting health information to share that I’ve been working on, and I’m going to try and blog here at least bi-weekly to update you on my vegan process and any health benefits that I’m experiencing. So far, I’m really sluggish and a bit foggy from the detox, but I think it’s all a part of the “healing crisis.” A healing crisis occurs when you’re body detoxes from unhealthy habits in order to “pave the way” for better health. I’ve done a lot of research on this, and it seems that the “healing crisis” is causing some of this general “BLAH” feeling! It also frightens me that I’ve been consuming that many toxins when I thought my diet was SIGNIFICANTLY improving! I’m really enjoying this “kinder” way of eating. Image


Also, guys, I’m hosting an event for those who want to become a Beachbody coach. I started five months ago, and even if I never sold another product or signed on another coach, the accountability has been CRUCIAL for my “health makeover.” I know that I would have never made it this far had I not been so encouraged and help accountable to my team and customers!

That’s all for now. Message me at if you have any comments, questions, or any topics that you would like to see addressed in future blogs. Until next time, stay active, fit, and ROCK it!





Day Four Challenge!

Challenge Day 4!

Let me say that I’m very sorry for the missing day three post. Hormones are acting up (my body is going back to its normal state, so it’s that “time” of the month), and I’ve been a bit drained the last day or so. However, I can feel that I’m recharging, and I’m grateful!

Are you feeling healthier so far? Be it starting a workout program, striving to eat clean, or just drinking more water, there are so many ways you can make a positive impact on your health by building healthy habits one at a time. I finally had a good day of consistently healthy eating even though pizza was in the house! It was so challenging not to eat three or four good slices, but I managed to eat the cheese off of a small slice, and then eat healthily for the rest of the day. Guys, I have a HARD time with deprivation—it makes me want that junk food so much more! I’m convinced that the little bit of pizza cheese I ate kept me from getting frustrated and eating a large quantity of things that are bad for me. Also, having a baby has really made me see fitness differently—I want to be there for my baby, and I feel the push more than ever to take better care of myself. Friends, you are surrounded by people who care about you, so focus your mind on getting strong and healthy! Here’s today’s power prayer, followed by our affirmation:

Dear God,

Thank you for another day. Give me the strength to continue to make good choices with my health and fitness. Help me to be kind to myself and feed my body good food, but more importantly, to feast on your Word.



I am healthy, active, and an instrument of God’s peace. I will use my good health to have more energy to serve others.

I hope that you are enjoying the challenge up to this point. I’m about to do a little “Stepping in the Spirit” workout with Body Gospel! What are your favorite workout programs? If you need recommendations, I’m loaded with suggestions. My top recommendations are ballet workouts, pilates, and anything that encourages emotional as well as physical wellness. Let me know if I can assist you further with anything!
