Needing a Change…

Hello, friends,

I wondered if I might borrow a second of your time…

Due to everything that’s been going on, I’ve had to place some things waaay on the back burner…I’m updating because I’m facing so many challenges and need some changes. Basically, I’m having trouble finding the time to work as much as I’d like. I’m determined to therefore grow my Beachbody business so that I can REPLACE my income while giving back 50% of all earnings to missions. Sound impossible? With God, all things are possible, so here’s where this is going:

I’m looking to work extensively with two individuals so that they can achieve Emerald coach status by summer. The group is “30 Days to Emerald” and will get you on the path to success in healthy living by helping and encouraging others. If you’re looking to supplement or replace your income (as I am), then we’re just going to do it! 🙂

First two commenters will receive Shakeology and tons of information. I hope that you will consider as I would absolutely love to have you on board as we seek to change so many lives, starting with our own. This business is HIS, so it’s time to trust that He will help us in all things as we seek better lives for ourselves, our families, and for each other.

I’m back and READY to ROLL!

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged! Goodness, this “new baby” stuff has caused me to stop, take a breath, and let myself enjoy some MUCH needed time off. In addition to taking care of my precious new baby, I’ve also been lased-focused on my Beachbody business as well as working to earn my status as a professional writer with my company. It’s so awesome to be back, and I am so grateful for your readership! In the past few months, I’ve learned a lot about myself–and I am sure of where my life is going even though it was a direction that was completely unexpected! I never in a MILLION years thought that I would be pursuing a career as a writer and fitness coach, but everything that I’ve been through has led me to this, and I am embracing it without question.


Now, for an update on the health end.

I’ve been experimenting with different diets and nutrients, and yesterday, I dove in and decided to embrace a vegetarian lifestyle in order to improve my health and help to control my hormone issues. I’m even eliminating as much dairy as possible. The cravings have been UNBEARABLE, but I’m hanging in there and looking forward to a nice, delicious vegetable sub for lunch. 😉 If anyone wants to “go vegetarian” or “go vegan” with me, I’ll plug you into a facebook fitness challenge, and we’ll do it together!


In other news, I have a TON of exciting health information to share that I’ve been working on, and I’m going to try and blog here at least bi-weekly to update you on my vegan process and any health benefits that I’m experiencing. So far, I’m really sluggish and a bit foggy from the detox, but I think it’s all a part of the “healing crisis.” A healing crisis occurs when you’re body detoxes from unhealthy habits in order to “pave the way” for better health. I’ve done a lot of research on this, and it seems that the “healing crisis” is causing some of this general “BLAH” feeling! It also frightens me that I’ve been consuming that many toxins when I thought my diet was SIGNIFICANTLY improving! I’m really enjoying this “kinder” way of eating. Image


Also, guys, I’m hosting an event for those who want to become a Beachbody coach. I started five months ago, and even if I never sold another product or signed on another coach, the accountability has been CRUCIAL for my “health makeover.” I know that I would have never made it this far had I not been so encouraged and help accountable to my team and customers!

That’s all for now. Message me at if you have any comments, questions, or any topics that you would like to see addressed in future blogs. Until next time, stay active, fit, and ROCK it!

